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Wong (王/汪/黄)


Wong is the Jyutping (Cantonese) and Hong Kong romanization of the surnames Wang (Chinese: 王), Huang and Vong (simplified Chinese: 黄), two ubiquitous Chinese surnames; Wang (Chinese: 汪), another common Chinese surname. Note that, while 汪 could be distinguished by its tone, 黃 (Wong/Huang) and 王 (Wong/Wang) are homophones in Cantonese. To differentiate the two in conversation, 黃 (Wong/Huang) is customarily referred to by native Cantonese speakers as 黃河的黃 (Yellow River Wong) whereas the 王 (Wong/Wang) is referred as the "three-stroke Wong" (due to its prominent 3 horizontal strokes).



Singapore | 国


"Wong" is the most sixth common Singaporean Chinese surname as of 2000, making up 2.6% of the Singaporean Chinese population, which estimates to be about 65,000 people.



“王“ 在新加坡是第六最常见的姓氏,而这组成了大约2.6%的新加坡华人,大约6.5万人左右。



There is many origins of the surname "Wong" but however, the main four source to creating this surname is from "姬", "子", "妫" and also name changes of ethnic groups. During the Zhou (周) dynasty, the royal family's surname was "姬". However, due to some people getting stripped of their knighthood and power, they changed their surname to "Wong" because of the fact that they came from royal families.





Most Singaporean Chinese bearing the surname "Wong" come from Guangdong, China. The remaining varies.


姓 “王” 的新加坡华侨华裔多数来自于广东省,中国。其余的可从中国各地迁徙来的。




Wong JingLun




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