Ong (王/汪)
Ong is a Hokkien romanization of the Chinese surnames 王 (Wáng), 汪 (Wāng). In Singapore, Ong is the fifth-most-common surname among Chinese residents. In the United States, Ong was the 6,682nd most common surname during the 1990 US census and the 4,343rd most common surname during the year 2000 US census.
The Ong Surname is the fifth most common surname among Chinese reisdents and has a population of close to a billion of them world-wide and 200 thousand in Singapore
The Ong Surname has many origins .Some say it came from the Wei surname ,choosing the Surname Wang as a sign of royalty , some say that it came from the surname Zi , being the descendent of the merchant prince BiGan .Some originates from the Ji surname , being the descendent of royalty.
王姓是一个源头众多、族派纷繁的姓氏。有的出自妫姓,是齐王田和(陈厉公次子田完的第9世孙)后裔,以王族称谓为氏。 有的出自子姓,为殷商王子比干之后,以爵号为氏。有的出自姬姓,为周文王之后,以王族爵号为氏,得姓始祖是太子晋,其名晋,字子乔,系周灵王太子,在山西太原有“子乔祠”就是对王姓始祖子乔的纪念。
Both Chinese characters ,"王" and "汪" are two most common variations in Singapore's context. "王" can show that one's ancestry is from Hokkien as "王" is a pronunciation of the Southern Min diaspora. "汪", on the other hand, shows that one was from Canton or Hong Kong.
在新加坡, Ong姓有两种最常见的拼写。一是”王“,二是”汪“。其中”王“ 是闽南语发音,因此姓”王“的国人的祖先来自福建。而姓 ”汪“的大众则是来自于广东、香港、澳门。
Ong Teng Chang , Olivia Ong
王鼎昌, 王俪婷